Social Recruiting Should be Multi-Channel
Did you know that 93% of marketers are using social media? And the same goes (give or take one percentage point) for recruiter, which makes sense, considering that social media has proven to be an effective tool for both hiring and marketing.
However, of the huge percentage of companies using social media, many focus their attention on a single network and either exclude or neglect the rest.
If this sounds like you, then you may want to rethink your strategy!
Here’s why using multiple social networks is better than one.
1) You’ll Reach More of Your Audience
While Facebook may be the most popular social network out there, Twitter and LinkedIn are also very popular with job seekers.
Chances are, many of the candidates that you want to reach keep their Facebook account totally private or (gasp!) don’t have a Facebook account at all. Having a presence on other social networks is the only way to reach them.
There’s also the fact that, according to Pew research, more people use multiple social networks than use only one. And the number of multi-network users has steadily risen over the last few years. So, you are far more likely to get your message heard through the internet noise when you target job seekers through multiple channels.
2) You’ll Get Better Search Engine Rankings
The more quality content that you have online that points to your career site, the better your site is going to rank. Social media plays a huge role in this, because the content that you share on social networks points back at your career site, and thus will help boost your rankings. The high page rank influence of sites like Facebook and Twitter will help improve your SEO when you focus on promoting your talent brand, company name, and job posts out to multiple sites.
3) Your Competitors are Already There
Social recruiting is extremely popular and, as its star continues to rise, more and more companies are using multiple social networks to reach top talent.
It is definitely worth investigating how your competitors are using social media, and to discover what they are doing that works, and what they are doing that does not.
That last point is not to be ignored!
Just because your competitors are on Pinterest, doesn’t mean it’s doing them any good. So pay close attention to what they are doing and use them as a case study for which networks to use and which to skip.
Instead of letting them reap all of the benefits and potential applicants that you could be getting, adapt your strategy to target all of the networks that are getting them results.
Learn more about how to spy on your competitors’ social recruiting strategy.
Which brings me to my last point.
Multi-channel social recruiting is more effective than focusing on a single social media channel, but that doesn’t mean you should use every platform available.
I recommend starting with Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and then, once you’ve mastered those, try experimenting with different networks like YouTube or Instagram and see what works for you!
We’re always curious as to how you balance multi-channel recruiting. Let us know in the comments.