
June 29
Hero 5-ways-improve-facebook-page
Your Facebook Page is your secret weapon. You can quickly communicate your brand on a channel that most of your target audience is already on. You can recruit passive candidates and convert your employees into brand ambassadors! It’s also a great marketing platform. For smaller businesses with a less-developed website, Facebook has most of the required functionality you need!1. Make sure your images stand out!Are your images bold, engaging, and effective? If not, they risk being scrolled past and buried in the graveyard of uninteresting status updates. It only takes a second to catch someone’s eye, but less than that to scroll right on by. Check out this quick guide on what makes images pop! Need more reasons…Read More
June 22
Hero social-recruiting-multi-channel
Did you know that 93% of marketers are using social media? And the same goes (give or take one percentage point) for recruiter, which makes sense, considering that social media has proven to be an effective tool for both hiring and marketing.However, of the huge percentage of companies using social media, many focus their attention on a single network and either exclude or neglect the rest.If this sounds like you, then you may want to rethink your strategy!Here’s why using multiple social networks is better than one.1) You’ll Reach More of Your AudienceWhile Facebook may be the most popular social network out there, Twitter and LinkedIn are also very popular with job seekers. Chances are, many of the candidate…Read More
June 15
Hero hire-great-talent-on-twitter
Does your company have a Twitter page? It’s 2016 and you’ve probably heard of Twitter. Did you know that there are 310 million people that use Twitter, and that 100 million of those are monthly active users? If you’re looking to hire great talent without spending a fortune to access it, try social recruiting on Twitter. Companies typically use Twitter to establish a brand presence. It’s a great way to engage your followers and customers, market upcoming promotions and product releases, and also serves as a platform for providing customer service. What many companies also take advantage of, is the fact that many companies find successful hires through Twitter. By using location-specific hashtags in combination with …Read More
June 9
Hero jobcast-update-share-to-facebook-groups
Facebook is a great tool to connect with everyone from your family and friends to any of the other 1.65 billion monthly active users on the site. Did you know that there are hundreds of millions of Facebook Groups that you can join? With that much reach and potential, it’s no surprise that Facebook Groups present a great opportunity to share your job postings with tons of people who share common interests with you and your company.Jobcast knows that more and more people are using Groups to look for new jobs and further their careers. To help you take advantage of this, we’ve introduced a new feature:You can now share job postings to Facebook Groups directly from your Jobcast Dashboard! To start using your…Read More
June 8
Hero make-the-images-you-share-on-social-media-stand-out
Do the images that you share on social media stand out?Are they unique, bold… effective?Creating and sharing clever image-based content can engage your audience on a personal level because people have a stronger emotional response when they are shown instead of told. The more job seekers relate to you and your company, the more likely they are to want to work for your company. In this article you’ll learn 4 ways to connect with job seekers using social media images.#1: Share Your Knowledge With Infographics The human brain processes visual content 60,000 times more quickly than text, which is probably why we love infographics so much. Infographics allow you to communicate large chunks of information i…Read More
June 1
Hero 11-content-ideas-for-social-recruiting
Effective social recruiting looks a lot like content marketing.An interesting mix of content is what prompts people to follow, Like, and share on social networks. Whether you’re using social to sell sneakers, timeshares, or the latest job opening at your company, follows, Likes, and shares are what will get you the sale.Companies need to create engaging, targeted content that markets their jobs and employer brand to candidates to accompany their job ads.The best mix for social recruiting is to post 4 other types of content for every one job posted.Coming up with different kinds content is one of the toughest aspects of social recruiting… Or social media marketing of any kind.If you don’t have a Nike sized budget, or a team …Read More
May 19
Hero five-ways-big-companies-use-social-media-in-recruiting
Surefire tips for upgrading your recruitment style.With social media use in the professional world having become standard, many companies are using it as a valuable recruiting tool. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn offer employers a pool of prospective employees that they may fail to reach through traditional, often passive, methods.One survey from 2014 suggests that a whopping 93% of employers are or are planning to recruit employees via social media platforms. What does this figure mean for us? It means that there is a treasure trove of anecdotal data with regard to what social media recruiting strategies work, which brands have enjoyed the most recruiting success, and what methods garner the most …Read More
May 17
Hero jobcast-update-dashboard-redesign
Here at Jobcast, our product development team is always looking to build and improve on our product and now, it’s easier than ever to manage your Jobcast account with our newly redesigned Dashboard!Our users have spoken and we have listened. We know that these are the Jobcast features that you use the most, so we’ve put them on the front page and given you easy access:Post a New Job  – We know that you want to start finding candidates so we’ve added quick access to add your latest job opening.Manage Current Jobs – Have you found a great new employee through Jobcast? Great – just click from the Dashboard to update or close your current job postings.Invite Your Team– Give members of your recruit…Read More
May 12
Hero how-to-make-visual-content-if-youre-not-a-visual-brand
When researching how to help our users boost engagement for their social recruiting, the most obvious answer was more visual content. It’s been shown that content which includes images or video gets more engagement on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.So, you’re interested in making your social recruiting visual, how do you go about it. “Social recruiting isn’t an Instagram-ready field, like interior design or fashion!”, you lament.“How can we best create visual content for social recruitment?”“How can we make sure that every job post, or piece of employer brand content, that we share is visually-optimized?”These are great questions. I like your gusto. Let me help.Here are some of the best practices that we’ve dug out …Read More
May 5
Hero how-to-bring-your-recruiting-into-the-21st-century
Jobcast finally got a makeover.It took a lot longer than we would have like, as these things always do, but the end result is a social recruitment platform ready for 2016.When was the last time your HR department got a makeover? In the last five years, the labour market has done a 180, going from an employer’s paradise to one that is candidate-driven. Millennials have taken over the workforce and HR Tech is actually user-friendly (well, friendlier at least!)Candidates are starting their job search on Google, watching YouTube videos as a favorite way to learn about potential employers, then using their smartphones to share and apply for jobs.Your HR department can’t afford to look like it did 10 years ago!Here are 5 ways th…Read More