Employer Branding

April 26
Hero improve-hr-communication-2018
When you want to improve employee communication with stronger communication tools, it's time to look at ways to prioritize communication. 2018 is going to be the year your company grows, and you have to prepare your HR department with the tools necessary to meet the growing demands on their time. When your HR department is able to complete effective communication, time is saved. Employees can ask questions, request time off, or receive their work schedules through text messaging, emails and phone calls. When you want 2018 to be the year your company improves communication, it's time to listen, pay attention, and take advantage of technology.Make Scheduling EasierIf your HR department is respo…Read More
January 30
Hero 7-tips-for-hiring-an-all-star-employee
An all-star employee will have the skills and the drive to exceed your expectations. They’ll also have the personality to fit in well with your company culture. They can help to grow your business, embody your brand and become part of the next generation of leaders within your company.But attracting talent like this is easier said than done. Here are a few tips for hiring an all-star employee:Promote Your Brand The companies with the best talent have a knack for promoting their brand. They sell their business as a great place to work – somewhere the company culture is second to none and where employees are able work on cutting edge initiatives within dynamic teams. You need to promote your employer brand if you …Read More
March 3
Hero resume-myths-debunked
Although a resume is a way of conveying your qualifications, it's also a way of showing your personality. The world of resume has changed in the recent years. In the past, a common resume technique was to keep it at a specified length or to exclude certain types of information. Nowadays, however, many of these so-called “rules” no longer apply. Here are some other myths that have recently been debunked:1 Page MaxWhile maintaining brevity is important, self-editing yourself is not worth it. Back when resumes were handled in hard-copy form, employers and recruiters admonished job seekers to keep their documents to a single page. Obviously, you don't want something that is extremely long, however, with digital …Read More
January 29
Hero 9-employee-engagement-ideas
Maintaining happy, engaged employees is the key to running a successful business. Although lost in many workplaces, creating and maintaining engaged employees is oftean a matter of taking a few simple steps. While feeling underpaid can be an issue for some employees, feeling underappreciated and ignored is the larger culprit as to why many employees become dis-engaged in their workplace. As a manager, it's important to keep in-mind that it's part of your role to keep your employees happy, satisfied and interested in their current roles. Whether it takes more encouragement, more appreciation or even more help, there are 9 key steps to keeping employees in your workplace engaged and successful.Thanks to Case…Read More
January 23
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This survey is a font of knowledge for anyone in the business of hiring. It’s full of interesting tidbits about how today’s jobseekers are using social, and how recruiters are responding. Jobvite’s survey is free, but you must give them your info in order to access it… and it’s really long! If you don’t have all day, then check out:How Recruiters Are Using Social Media in 2014 This article is a summery of Jobvite’s survey, highlighting the most salient of its findings for you, so that you can save a little time and effort. For a more visual summery have a look at MediaBistro’s blog post:73% of Recruiters Spending More on Social Networks This article is full of beautiful, sharable graphics. Like this one…Job Seekers Rely on Facebook…Read More
December 25
What: ————————————- Facebook. The New Face of Recruiting.Recruiting has changed… but trust us, it’s for the better. Facebook is the number one choice in today’s market for good reason.80% of all internet users prefer to connect with brands over Facebook than any other social platform [[http://istrategylabs.com/2012/12/infographic-huffpos-100-fascinating-social-media-statistics-2012/]]584 million daily active users [[http://www.recruitingblogs.com/profiles/blogs/40-amazing-social-media-statistics-every-recruiter-should-know]]More job seekers are looking for work on Facebook than LinkedIn http://mashable.com/2012/10/09/jobs-facebook-linkedin-twitter/43% of recruiters who use social recruiting saw a…Read More
December 19
Hero lessons-for-young-professionals
Entering the workforce can be daunting, but keeping everything is one of the major keys to success. There’s a lot more to becoming an efficient and appreciated part of your new company then just being a hard-worker. Unless you’re a surgeon or first-responder, you’re not saving lives at your job, so first of all calm down. Taking this attitude will go a long away to creating success for yourself. Just try relieving some of the self-imposed pressure from your work and see how things turn around. Below are some other great ways to make a lasting impact in your new position.Learn from CriticismYou learn quickly that you can take on every piece of criticism you receive at your job. Having said this, taking note of certain const…Read More
November 16
Hero tips-to-maintain-engaged-employees
An engaged workforce is key to creating a successful business. Through the engagement of your workforce, you’ll reap rewards through increased production, more inspired work and a much more jovial workplace environment. Engagement isn’t easy to develop. It must truly be cultivated by a leader who is truly motivated to create success and produce results. There are a number of ways in which leaders can do this, but the following three are the most important.Inspire Genuine ConnectionConnecting with your employees is the best way to spark up production and a more positive office environment. Aiming to have a genuine relationship with each and every employee in your office should always be your ultimate go…Read More
November 5
Hero the-importance-of-a-professional-social-presence
We've all heard how important portraying a professional presence online is, however what you don't hear about is how many jobs are lost solely because of a unprofessional or weak social presence. Without any sense of exaggeration it can be said that social media is a necessity in today's job world. It's important you have profiles built-out to show off who you are, your achievements and job history. Being inactive on social media will, in many cases. jeopardize your chance at getting your dream job. Careerbuilder's great infographic demonstrates just how many employers actively look at their employees or future employees social media accounts. The numbers speak for themselves in this case. When done right, social …Read More
October 17
Hero top-job-markets-by-industry-in-us
It seems like right now is a great to be looking for a job. Steady growth seems to be a trend that's going to continue in many industries, and U.S. unemployment rates are down below 5%. Whether you're currently unemployed looking for a job, employed looking at your options or just coming out of school, now's the time to look at something new. The job categories that grew the most this year have been Community and Social Service, which grew 14.61% and Computer and Mathematics, which grew by 14.49%. These two grew by far the most, however next up with slightly smller, yet still impressive growth numbers are Health Care Practitioners and Technicians, which grew by 9.89%, and Construction and Extraction,…Read More