Link Loving - January 23rd
This survey is a font of knowledge for anyone in the business of hiring.
It’s full of interesting tidbits about how today’s jobseekers are using social, and how recruiters are responding.
Jobvite’s survey is free, but you must give them your info in order to access it… and it’s really long!
If you don’t have all day, then check out:
How Recruiters Are Using Social Media in 2014
This article is a summery of Jobvite’s survey, highlighting the most salient of its findings for you, so that you can save a little time and effort.
For a more visual summery have a look at MediaBistro’s blog post:
73% of Recruiters Spending More on Social Networks
This article is full of beautiful, sharable graphics. Like this one…
Job Seekers Rely on Facebook, But Recruiters Prefer LinkedIn
It seems like everyone’s on a Jobvite kick this week! This article from Human Resources Online interprets the results from Jobvite’s survey to better understand the social media disconnect between recruiters/human resources and jobseekers.
The author shares some interesting thoughts and ideas about the survey, instead of just summarising its findings.
What Everybody Ought To Know About Social Recruiting
Identify, Follow, Share, And Engage, these are the key factors for effective social recruiting according to Alexandra Vornle.
Her article is a wonderful follow up to all this research as it provides simples steps for anyone looking to make their hiring process a little more social.
Is Your Social Recruiting Cart Before The Application Horse?
Or, if your application process sucks, then no amount of social recruiting can save you.
Katrina Collier’s article is an excellent reminder that the process of directing candidates from your Facebook job ad to the application “landing page” is as important as the ad itself.
She goes on to provide some excellent tips for improving this part of the recruiting process.
It’s a must read!
For more great advice about improving candidate experience I highly recommend our recent article:
3 Tips For Improving Candidate Experience From a User Experience Designer
Happy link loving and stay social!