Hero recruitment-predictions-for-near-future

Recruitment Predictions for Near-Future

Posted by Aidan McCrea
January 10th, 2017

The world of recruiting in 2017 is extremely complicated. With so many outlets for ads, engagement and contact, companies have to be extremely weary of the spots where they advertise their specific positions.

With more and more companies and recruitment agencies moving towards mobile, it's important you have a strong understanding of the scope of your recruitment efforts. Rather than keeping your focus on recruiting software that is automated and integrated, employers are poised to put more effort into the work environment and employee engagement.

The focus of organizations on predictive, recruitment software's has truly changed the recruitment game in so many ways. Here are a few predictions for more changes coming to the recruitment game.


Employee engagement is obviously important to your organization. Having engaged employees and candidates means putting an effort to have a solid approach to the work/life balance and career management. Applicants want to hear about how your workplace will help allow them to live a fulfilling life outside of work, as well as inside.

Advertising the benefits of your position will be a huge part of being a great recruiter in 2017 and beyond.


Analyzing and measuring your recruitment efforts is incredibly important part of any recruitment efforts. Just like anything else in business, you need to measure just how impactful you're being with your efforts. Imagine recruiting software that more accurately indicates which of your candidates are likely to be strong leaders or the best cultural fits before you extend an offer based solely on answers to standard interview questions.

Using this trackable software is how companies can make sure they’re getting the right hire and/or fixing actual problems rather than perceived problems.


Social integration is now the name of the game in the software industry. It's a must-have with any program, and that's no different in the recruitment game. Utilizing your social platforms as a way to promote your postings and jobs is a perfect way to find many great candidates.

Many recruiting softwares now provides an opportunity for social engagement through the tool itself – in other words, built-in social media management features.

2017 will be a big year for finding your next impactful hire. Make sure you're ahead of the game by following these trends and find a way to exploit the system.